Manitoba Law Reform Commission

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The Manitoba Law Reform Commission is an independent law reform agency created in 1970 by The Law Reform Commission Act. Its role is to improve, modernize and reform the law and administration of justice in Manitoba. Projects of law reform are initiated in response to suggestions from the public, the legal profession and Manitoba's Minister of Justice and Attorney General. The Commission carries out research and consultation and makes formal recommendations for law reform to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General. The Commission's work is funded by grants from the Government of Manitoba and the Manitoba Law Foundation.

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What's New?

On July 2, 2024, the Commission released Informal Report #30: Modernizing Exclusions under s 23(1) The Executions Act

On June 29, 2023, the Commission releases Report #145- “The Use of Non-Disclosure Agreements in the Settlement of Misconduct Claims”. The Executive Summary can be found here: English | Francais

Volunteer with Us:

Are you a practicing lawyer or a law student wishing to volunteer with the Commission? Get in touch!